The services provided by Foton GMB d.o.o. Belgrade to the railways are related to cabling, installation, dismantling, commissioning, testing and maintenance of signaling - security and telecommunication devices on the railway.
Our framework of works includes earthworks, laying of primary and secondary low and medium voltage cable network, dismantling of the existing, as well as installation / assembly of new signal -safety and telecommunication equipment all together with connection and testing. In that way, we are able to close the entire circle of works from our activity.
The services provided by Foton GMB d.o.o. Belgrade to the railways are related to cabling, installation, dismantling, commissioning, testing and maintenance of signaling - security and telecommunication devices on the railway.
Foton GMB d.o.o. Belgrade is capable of building both main and local optical networks.
We are especially proud of the fact that we have engineering and technical human resources with extensive experience in managing and executing large railway and telecommunications infrastructure projects in Serbia.
Plasiranjem proizvoda visokog kvaliteta "FOTON GMB" d.o.o. Beograd zadovoljava očekivanja svih zainteresovanih strana:
kupaca, vlasnika, zaposlenih i šire društvene zajednice.
Rukovodstvo privrednog društva „FOT ON GMB“ d.o.o. Beograd opredeljeno je za neprekidno unapređenje sistema upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine u skladu sa zahtevima standarda ISO 140 01.
Uspostavljanjem, doslednom primenom i stalnim poboljšavanjem sistema menadžmenta zdravljem i bezbednošću na radu, „FOTON GMB" obezbeđuje zdrava i bezbedna radna mesta i teži ka nultom nivou rizika za zaposlene, izvođače radova i posetioce.